3. Electromagnetic Frequency Spectrum?
4. What are the advantages of Microwaves?
5. what are the applications of Microwaves?
6. what is the Band of Infrared Rays?
7. What is the band of Light?
8. What is the Band of X Rays?
9. What is the band of gamma Rays?
10. What is the Band of cosmic Rays?
11. Which frequency is used in Microwave Oven?
12. What is the speed of Electromagnetic waves in free space?
13. How EM wave Propagates?
14. What is Ampere's law?
15. what is Faraday's law?
16. What is Gauss law?
17. What is mean by TEM wave?
18. What is mean by TE wave?
19. What is mean by TM wave?
20. What is mean by HE wave?
21. What is the role of Transmission line?
22. How many types of transmission lines are there?
23. What is the bandwidth of two wire transmission line?
24. Define Reflection coefficient?
25. Define VSWR?
26. What are the various losses occurred in transmission lines?
27. What is Stub and what are the various types?
28. What is single stub matching?
29. What is Double stub matching?
30. What is Wave guide?
31. Microwave travels in which form?
32. What are the various transmission lines for microwaves?
33. Multi conductor lines supports which mode of waves?
34. Single conductor lines supports which mode of waves?
35. Open Boundary structure supports which waves?
36. Which transmission line are unbalanced transmission lines?
37. What is mean by Dominant mode?
38. What is the dominant mode in Co axial line?
39. What are the lower order and higher order modes in co axial cables?
40. At which frequencies strip lines are widely used?
41. What is the dominant mode for strip line?
42. What are the losses in micro strip lines and how those can be compensated?
43. Which mode does not exist in micro strip lines?
44. Which transmission line has higher Quality factor?
45. What are the various types of micro strip lines?
46. Parallel strip lines supports which mode?
47. Why micro strip antenna are more popular?
48. What are the general modes in wave guides?
49. Define Phase velocity and Group velocity?
50. What is the dominant mode in Circular wave guide?
51. What are the main advantages of microwave integrated circuits?
52. What is planar transmission line?