Each and every quantized samples will be encoded with sequence of zeros and ones with 'n' bits within sampling interval (Ts), So the bit duration will be Ts/n. as no. of bits (n) increases error decreases but bandwidth increases.
Log2 N
It is the difference between two successive no.s (levels), i.e. voltage difference between one digital level and the next digital level. (Ex: 000 & 001, 1011 & 1100)
29. How to calculate Step size in PCM?
step size(Δ) = (VFS-Vmin)/L
where L =2n, n = no. of bits, VFS = full scale voltage
30. Define Quantization error?
It is the difference between sampled signal and Quantized signal.
Half of the Step size.
computer Disk, Digital Telephony, Digital Audio Applications, etc.
To get less Quantization Noise no. of bits should be increased, then bandwidth will be increased. So we have to compromise with either Quantization error or bandwidth.
In DPCM, The difference between the consequent samples will be encoded with sequence of zeros and ones.
Instead of encoding each sample, Its better to encode the difference between samples then Quantization error will be minimized with less no. of bits, then bandwidth also get decreased.
It is same as DPCM with no. of bits to encode is one bit only (either 0 or 1). by this bandwidth will be decreased.
The Delta modulation is efficient when and only when signal is varying continuously with less variations. if signal varies suddenly then we get two different Noises. those are slope overload and granular noise
38. When granular noise and slope overload occur in Delta modulation?
Granular Noise: Δ / Ts > slope of signal

The different Multiplexing techniques are:1) Frequency division Multiplexing, 2) Time division Multiplexing, 3) Wavelength division multiplexing, 4) Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing.
42. What is Line coding and what are the different line coding techniques?
Line coding is the representation of digital data (0,1) as puses. the types in line coding are: Non Return to Zero (NRZ), Return to Zero (RZ), Biphase, Differential Manchester, Bipolar
43. What is the difference between Source coding and Line coding?
Source Coding is used to represent analog signals in form of Digital data (like PCM,DPCM,DM), where Line Coding is used to represent digital data in the form of pulses (like NRZ, RZ)
44. Define ISI (Inter symbol Interference)?
It is a Distortion in digital signal that one symbol interferes with other symbol.
45. What is Matched filter?
It is an optimal linear filter for maximizing the SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) in the presence of additive random noise.
46. What is the cause of inter symbol Interference (ISI) and it can be reduced?
ISI caused by multipath propagation and inherent non linear frequency response of channel. It can be reduced by pulse shaping.
47.What is multipath Interference?
When a signal reaches to transmitter in various paths then delays exist in each path so at receiver all delayed signals will be received, then original signal will be interfered by its delayed versions. That is called multipath interference.