
Electronics is the science of how to control electric energy, energy in which the electrons have a fundamental role.electronics is widely used in information processing, telecommunication, and signal processing. The ability of electronic devices to act as switches makes digital information processing possible.

Wireless Communications

wireless communication include flexibility, cost effectiveness, constant connectivity, convenience and enhanced efficiency. These benefits make wireless communication quite attractive to businesses, government organizations and people in general.

VLSI technology

VLSI Design contains computer-aided design, design analysis, design implementation, simulation and testing.Hence there is tremendous scope and growth for those who choose VLSI design and embedded systems as a career.

Digital Signal Processing

Digital Signal Processing is one of the most powerful technologies that will shape science and engineering in the twenty-first century.DSP is the science of using computers to understand these types of data. This includes a wide variety of goals: filtering, speech recognition, image enhancement, data compression, neural networks, and much more.

Embedded Systems

Embedded systems is growing continuously. Exponentially increasing computing power, ubiquitous connectivity and convergence of technology have resulted in hardware/software systems being embedded within everyday products and places. Already today 90% of computing devices are in Embedded Systems and not in PCs. The growth rate in embedded systems is more than 10% per annum and it is forecasted there will be over 40 billion devices worldwide by 2020.

Digital Communications Lab Viva Questions with Answers part - II

26.  Define Pulse code modulation?
Each and every quantized samples will be encoded with sequence of zeros and ones with 'n' bits within sampling interval (Ts), So the bit duration will be Ts/n. as no. of bits (n) increases error decreases but bandwidth increases.
27.  How bits are needed to encode N different levels?
28.  Define step size?
It is the difference between two  successive no.s (levels), i.e. voltage difference between one digital level and the next digital level. (Ex: 000 & 001, 1011 & 1100)
29. How to calculate Step size in PCM?
step size(Δ) =   (VFS-Vmin)/L
where L =2n, n = no. of bits, VFS = full scale voltage
30.  Define Quantization error?
It is the difference between sampled signal and Quantized signal.
31.  What is the max value of Quantization error?
Half of the Step size.
32.  What are the applications of PCM?
computer Disk, Digital Telephony, Digital Audio Applications, etc.
33.  What are the disadvantages of Pulse code modulation?
To get less Quantization Noise no. of bits should be increased, then bandwidth will be increased. So we have to compromise with either Quantization error or bandwidth.
34.  Define Differential pulse code modulation?
In DPCM, The difference between the consequent samples will be encoded with sequence of zeros and ones.
35.  Why DPCM is better than PCM?
Instead of encoding each sample, Its better to encode the difference between samples then Quantization error will be minimized with less no. of bits, then bandwidth also get decreased.
36.  Define Delta modulation? Why it is better?
It is same as DPCM with no. of bits to encode is one bit only (either 0 or 1). by this bandwidth will be decreased.
37.  What is granular noise? Define slope overload?
The Delta modulation is efficient when and only when signal is varying continuously with less variations. if signal varies suddenly then we get two different Noises. those are slope overload and granular noise
38.  When granular noise and slope overload occur in Delta modulation?
Granular Noise:  Î” / T> slope of signal
Slope Overload Noise: Î” / T< slope of signal
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39.  What is Adaptive Delta Modulation and what are the advantages?
If the step size varies according to the slope of the signal then that is called as Adaptive Delta modulation. granular and slope over load noise will be desuced.
40.  Compare all Digital pulse modulation techniques (PCM, DPCM, DM, ADM)?
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41.  What is multiplexing? How many types of multiplexing possible in communication?
Combining two or more signals to pass through a channel is called as multiplexing.
The different Multiplexing techniques are:1) Frequency division Multiplexing, 2) Time division Multiplexing, 3) Wavelength division multiplexing, 4) Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing.
42. What is Line coding and what are the different line coding techniques?
Line coding is the representation of digital data (0,1) as puses. the types in line coding are: Non Return to Zero (NRZ), Return to Zero (RZ), Biphase, Differential Manchester, Bipolar
43. What is the difference between Source coding and Line coding?
Source Coding is used to represent analog signals  in form of Digital data (like PCM,DPCM,DM), where Line Coding is used to represent digital data in the form of pulses (like NRZ, RZ)
44. Define ISI (Inter symbol Interference)?
It is a Distortion in digital signal that one symbol interferes with other symbol. 
45. What is Matched filter?
It is an optimal linear filter for maximizing the SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) in the presence of additive random noise.
46. What is the cause of inter symbol Interference (ISI) and it can be reduced?
ISI caused by multipath propagation and inherent non linear frequency response of channel. It can be reduced by pulse shaping.
47.What is multipath Interference?
When a signal reaches to transmitter in various paths then delays exist in each path so at receiver all delayed signals will be received, then original signal will be interfered by its delayed versions. That is called multipath interference. 

51. What is frequency synthesizer?
it is an oscillator which can generate any range of frequencies.
Applications of frequency synthesizer?
52. Define polar encoding?
It is a line code of  RZ (Return to Zero) in which binary 1 represented by +ve voltage and 0 represented by zero volts.
53. Define bipolar encoding?
It is a line code of  NRZ (Non Return to Zero) in which two non zero values are for encoding binary data.
54. Define Manchester encoding?
It is a line code which will generated based on clock and binary data. The code is XOR logic of clock and digital data.
55. What are the features of Code Division Multiple Access?
The CDMA technique is more secure communication over all, this is used in military, If we know the code which is used to encode the data, then only we can receive the data. But No. of users are limited (depends on code length)
56. Explain about Frequency Division Multiple Access?
In FDMA Spectrum is divided into segments and each segment is permanently assigned to each transmitter. so to get more efficiency in using spectrum, each signal bandwidth should be less and perfect modulation technique should be used.
57. Explain about Time division Multiple Access?
In this a fraction of time slot will be assigned to each transmitter, so as no. of transmitters increases complexity increases. for this perfect synchronization is required.


Suggested Books for ECE students for all subjects

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     Electronics and communication Engineering is a great steam in engineering, now no work is completing accurately with out electronics. But the students are always getting confused to choose a best book to get complete awareness on the subject. That's why our team created this post to help to all the students to know the best books for required electronic communications related subjects. And they can also buy the books from online if they required.


2.Analog Circuits
           Electronic devices and circuits:

           Pulse and digital circuits:

           Electronic circuit analysis:

          Linear integrated circuits

         Analog communication

           Digital communications

           Optical fiber communications

           Cellular mobile communications & Wireless communications
4.Control System / Electrical Technology

          Control systems

          Electrical technology
5.Electrical circuits, Circuit Analysis

           Network analysis
6.Digital Circuits / Micro processors & Microcontrollers

           Switching theory and logic devices:

           Microprocessors and microcontroller:
7.DSP / DIP / Signals
           Signals and System: 

           Digital Signal Processing:

           Digital image processing
8.VLSI / Embedded
            VLSI Design              
             3.  VlSI Design by Jose Anand

         Embedded systems
9. C / C++ / Java /CN

             C Progamming 
             3.  Let us c by Yashwanth Kanetkar
             4.  Programming in ANSI C by Balaguruswamy
             5.  Expert C programming by Van Der Linden

              OOps through JAVA
               2.  Programming with Java by Balagurusamy
               5.  Let Us Java by Yashavant Kanetkar 

               Computer organization     
                3.   Computer Systems Architecture by Mano

               Computer Networks 
                1.  Computer Networks by Tanenbaum
                4.  Computer Networks by Sanjay Sharma

10.EMTL /  AWP / MW

                 Electro magnetics and transmission lines
      1.  Principles of Electromagnetics by Sadiku N.O.
      2.  Engineering Electromagnetics by W H Hayt, J A Buck and Jaleel M. 
      3.  Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems by Jordan E.C., Balmain 
      4.  Elements of Engineering Electromagnetics  by Nannapaneni Narayana 
      5.  Engineering Electromagnetics Essentials by B.N.Basu

                Antenna wave propagation
      1.  Antennas and wave Propagation by John D. Krauss, Ronald J. Marhefka
      2.  Antenna Theory: “Analysis and Design by Constantine A. Balanis
      3.  Electromagnetic waves and Radiating Systems by Edward C. Jordan and Kenneth G. Balmain
      4.  Antennas and Wave Propagation by A.R. Harish, M. Sachidananda
      5.  Antenna Theory and Practice by Chatterjee, R
                 Network transmission lines
      1.  Networks, Lines and Fields by John D. Ryder
      2.  Network Analysis by M.E. Van Valkenburg
      3.  Network Analysis and Synthesis by S.P. Ghosh and A.K. Chakraborty
      4.  Networks and System by Roy, Choudhury
      5.  Network Theory : Analysis and Synthesis by Ghosh, Smarjit.

                 Microwave communications
                  1.  Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems by E. C. Jordan & Keith 
                  2.  Microwave Devices and Circuits by Samuel Y. Liao.
                  3.  Microwave Devices and Circuits by Rizzi P
                  4.  Foundations for Microwave Engineering by R. E. Collins